461 "News" Category Articles Page 31

1806 DAYS AGO | 6.22.2019

Tennessee Ordination Tour Updates: Clarksville TN

American Marriage Ministries visited Clarksville Tennessee to provide in-person ordinations for ministers affected by the new marriage law.

1814 DAYS AGO | 6.14.2019

American Marriage Ministries Incorporated in Tennessee as a Non-Profit Corp.

American Marriage Ministries is now incorporated in Tennessee as a non-profit corporation to ensure recognition of our ministers.

1824 DAYS AGO | 6.4.2019

Are you affected by the new Tennessee Marriage Law?


1828 DAYS AGO | 5.31.2019

Growing Outrage: A Minister Responds to Tennessee’s Restrictive Marriage Law

An American Marriage Ministries Minister writes her representative protesting a restrictive new marriage law passed in the State of Tennessee.

1829 DAYS AGO | 5.30.2019

New Tennessee Marriage Law is an Attack On Religious Freedom, and Rights Of N...

Tennessee’s legislature has...

1836 DAYS AGO | 5.23.2019

Queer Eye’s Jonathan Van Ness and Elysian Brewery announce Lucky Couple Winner

American Marriage Ministries congratulates lucky couple Megan and Haden who won a wedding officiated by Queer Eye's Jonathan Van Ness.

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More News Articles

1867 DAYS AGO | 4.22.2019

New Hawaii Marriage Law lets Couples Declared Middle and Last Names

Hawaii's new marriage laws allows couples to choose any middle or last name

1918 DAYS AGO | 3.2.2019

Why are Municipal Governments Cancelling Courthouse Weddings?

Courthouses across the US have stopped offering courthouse weddings in response to the Supreme Court decision on same-sex weddings. AMM went to Gainesville G...

Illustration of two brides smiling at each other against a green background

1997 DAYS AGO | 12.13.2018

New York Times Features American Marriage Ministries in Article about Online ...

The New York Times featured American Marriage Ministries in a story about getting ordained online to perform weddings.

A bride and groom hold hands while sitting across from each other at the table. Behind them, a large window, with a few of trees in the distance.

2006 DAYS AGO | 12.4.2018

A Wedding Ceremony Celebrates Recovery from Opioid Addiction, Love, and Growth

When AMM Minister Christopher Dexheimer was asked to officiate his brother’s wedding, it was a joyous conclusion to a story with a dark beginning. That story...

Five blindfolded guests sit in chairs at a wedding ceremony. The photo shows their torsos and faces, they are all wearing lovely formal wear and smiling happily.

2011 DAYS AGO | 11.29.2018

Blindfolded Guests Experience Wedding Ceremony from Bride’s Perspective

A couple in Australia had their guests wear blindfolds during the wedding ceremony to help them understand what this meant to them, and how the blind bride e...


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